Try love, try God and know that life is and always will be that which we sincerely desire ...
Love is and always will be the real expression of God in the life.
We all need love and all need also to express love in order to round out or to fulfill the law of being.
When love is suppressed or thwarted in any way, the life of the individual is greatly affected in an adverse way though he may believe he is the victim of bad luck, of ill health or of the myriad misfortunes that can and do befall people who fail to allow love to be the foremost thought, the first issue of all that they contemplate and all their resultant actions. If this law of life were only believed and carried out, the ills of the world would be healed and the way of life made beautiful for all to see.
It seems so simple, so easy yet to many it is well nigh impossible because of the mental obstructions that clutter the mind of mankind. It is always the simple, straightforward principles that are so needed that escape man because he seems to want to make life complex.
Love expressed brings peace of mind and is the goal we all seek, though many know it not. Try love, try God and know that life is and always will be that which we sincerely desire, [which is] to live in love, peace and greater illumination of innate wisdom.