All experience of whatever nature is also earned by the indwelling ego.
All that is received in the life is earned. All experience of whatever nature is also earned by the indwelling ego. All is good for it is only through these varied experiences and manifestations that we acquire wisdom. Life is change, and we must first accept that fact, then all becomes easier to see and to go on seeking the light of truth in all that happens to us.
We can only see, can only learn what the indwelling ego is willing to accept and through his light of knowledge, through experience take into himself as truth. It is sometimes a painful way of gaining necessary wisdom, especially if the person involved is one not ready to accept what is shown to him by way of experience, and there are many such.
They look upon the good fortune of others as sheer luck, and not what it actually is, truly earned rewards of good living. Or if it is misfortune they perceive, they also interpret that as something entirely undeserved and simply unfortunate, but it is not so.
Some past experience has caused this to happen and it is all for the good of the person to whom it occurs as experience to round out his or her life and show them the way of truth and wisdom which has either been lacking in their life or been abundant according to the way life turns out for them.
This then is the true picture of our experiences and, if wise, we welcome all that happens to us, for greater wisdom and love comes from the pain of trial and error.