Terrifying though the implications may be and unnecessary though some accidents may appear, it is never so for God's laws prevail at all times.
Is there such a thing as an accidental happening, you ask? No, in real truth there is not, for the junction of time and place and occurrence has come about because of the past, as in all things, and we reap this harvest whether good or bad.
What of the other victim, you ask? What if two people in separate cars suddenly and inexplicably collide! Well, the same law applies, and the circumstances and life's timing simply bring them together to bring this about.
Terrifying though the implications may be and unnecessary though some accidents may appear, it is never so for God's laws prevail at all times. Yes, even apparently innocent babies are often the victims of accidental (so-called death.) Well, they seem innocent enough and yet somewhere along the line in a previous life the event was forecast because of error in the life and it had to be accounted for, tragic as it may seem.
Some people, indeed through their mental processes or perhaps the lack of sufficient mental thought, are particularly prone to accidents and are apparently only taught in this way. Sometimes it takes violence to bring about the desired change, to bring in the greater light and to eliminate the dark side of life, paradoxical as it may seem.