Tried and true friends are truly rare and when we do find them, we should cherish them and feel we are rich indeed.
There are friends and so-called friends for some are that in name only. They see only a way to be entertained or to further their way in life, or, in some cases, just add you to their list that they may have more prestige or [feel] some of the glitter may rub off on them.
Tried and true friends are truly rare and when we do find them, we should cherish them and feel we are rich indeed. Some have been with us perhaps many years, but have they been really true friends who do stick through thick and thin and not just through habit of long association? Sometimes it seems difficult to tell, but always there comes a test and you will find the true friend is there in time of need.
There is a saying that to have friends we must also be one, and this is true, of course, but there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes we find a true friend in one we least suspect and one with whom we have not always been friendly.
It is useless to try to hold on to those who have no real value as friends, whose companionship, though nice, is perhaps, beneath it all, insincere.
There are some who demand much of their friends, but give little in return. Shun these as you do the plague and cultivate those who, like yourself, are willing to be friends in the true sense of the word, not just because they have something to gain.