The little discourse this morning will be on feeling follows action.
The little discourse this morning will be on feeling follows action. That statement may appear to be all wrong to you at the outset, but stop aminute and think. Do you feel water before you plunge into it? Do you feel fire before you touch it? No. Then it is apparent that all feeling follows action rather than precedes it. Perhaps this is a new thought to you and you have always thought otherwise, but reflection will show this to be a truth.
All must and should carefully think things out before acting and use his or her best judgment. If you wish to be more courageous, or to be gifted in some attribute which perhaps you may feel you lack, think of yourself as being possessed with this virtue, then act accordingly. You will find that actually the feeling that you are endowing yourself with is right and true and is simply awaiting unfoldment, as all can and must come from within.
We can never acquire that which is not already inherent in us, but we can unfold that which we possess but perhaps are not aware is ours. Many times we underestimate the self within.
So, I go back to feeling follows action. Act courageous and the feeling will follow. I am simply using courage as an illustration of my point, but any feeling that you desire to be yours would be the same. Try this and see the result.