Remember, everyone is given all he and she require ...and you are not the responsible agent of their good, but God is.
We all must, of necessity, look out for self. Of course we must help others too when we can for in doing so one helps oneself also, but first and foremost we must take care that our own future is well organized. Each one is responsible to self alone and each one follows his or her bent. And although altruistic tendencies are fine and noble, unless one’s own future is secure in all ways, we must be careful in expending all our resources either on others or on luxuries not really essential to the life.
Remember, everyone is given all he and she require to live, move and have their being in God, and you are not the responsible agent of their good, but God is. It is wonderful, of course, to be able to play Santa Claus in all seasons, but is it really right for you to do so? Watch the home front first, keep the fires aglow and bank them well for future use. Then, and only then, when you have extra wherewithal to expend, should you go forth and do so much, even for those you love the most.
When sickness comes, remember it has been earned in some way of transgression, and though you can and should do all you can to help the afflicted ease the way, it does not necessarily have to be in expenditures money wise.
Watch out for the rainy days ahead that all encounter in life and keep in the bank sufficient funds to cover all contingencies. Never mind the others; watch out for self, for no one else will. Remember that and profit by its wisdom.
All, being children of God, need experiences that vary in life, and if hardship comes, a way will come to help them recover, but you are not the answer. “God helps those who help themselves.” [is] a truth that all must sooner or later realize. Go your own way rejoicing and be happy, but do save for money in the bank is great security for all future needs.
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