Laughter is one of the great joys of living, and the ability to laugh at ourselves and with others is a wholesome reaction and a healthful one to cultivate in life.
We are in a world, a mental world, surrounded by vibrations from all with whom we come in contact. All are vibrating, sending out thought waves of varying degrees of intensity and varying as to the content of the thought waves.
The law of attraction comes into play and we react according to our own thought patterns to the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others. The happier and more joyous thoughts we entertain the more we attract of the same and the better our life becomes.
Laughter is one of the great joys of living, and the ability to laugh at ourselves and with others is a wholesome reaction and a healthful one to cultivate in life. This ability makes us liked by all for it brings out the best in all, and enables the indwelling ego to forget troubles and illness and negative things that sometimes ease themselves into the mind.
Cultivate habits of laughter, song, gaiety and expressions of happiness and joy and watch the results in your life and the lives of those around you. Life is serious, yes, but it helps all who can to take it lightly and express into their lives all the bubbling gaiety we can possibly muster.
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