In over-indulgence, poisons are liberated within the body because of the inability of the bodily functions to rid itself of the great accumulation.
Moderation in all things is true wisdom.
In our daily life we may find we are very fond of some particular item of our diet. This can be disastrous if we allow it to be overdone.
If we indulge in a super amount of fats, sugars, white flour items or, in fact, anything that is overdone, we must pay the consequences. Our bodies become clogged, we can no longer think as we should, and illness of one sort or another is the inevitable result. It is the same with smoking, with alcohol, with, yes, even too much work and not enough play, or the other way round. So we find true wisdom in using moderation in all walks of life.
Never over-indulge in anything no matter what the temptation may prove to be. Use restraint and you will find greater health and greater ability to think clearly and concisely.
In over-indulgence, poisons are liberated within the body because of the inability of the bodily functions to rid itself of the great accumulation. This brings a toxic condition which means really the body is being self-poisoned. We never knowingly would bring on such a state, so it behooves each and every one to carefully watch for over-indulgence in any form.
Treat yourself as well as you would your car, or any delicate instrument, and you will not go wrong. Use the oil of love and the gasoline power of courage and temper it all with peace and understanding, and your body will reward you with greater strength and power to resist all ills.
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