The light we seek is not without, it is not something tangible.
All are working toward greater light, and all illumined ones have their light from within. In fact, all is within before it is outwardly expressed.
We watch the face of a child who has been given a toy and the joy shown is from the light within that has been kindled by the gift. All can give and, in that way, even the gift of a smile brings forth its own kind in the face of the recipient unless he or she is plagued by some inward distortion of mind and cannot find a ready response to the smile.
The light we seek is not without, it is not something tangible. It is not something we can see manifested in our lives except in its inward unfolding.
Like the bud opening into the full blown flower, we only feel the exaltation, the greater wisdom, the enlarged perception, the greater tolerance for others and their errors. Then we can know we have a greater light, an expansion of the inner faculties that bring to us a greater, a larger, a more soul-satisfying way in which to live and express our being.
Light is as food to those who have grown spiritually into the atonement* with the soul of the universe.
*The archaic meaning of the word “atonement” is reconciliation, which, I believe, is the way it is meant in this instance.
Tried and true friends are truly rare and when we do find them, we should cherish them and feel we are rich indeed. There are friends and so-called friends for some are that in name only. They see only a way to be entertained or to further their way in
Posted by: amin | 02/06/2013 at 01:23 AM