We all have precious gifts of the Spirit and it remains but for us to recognize and to appreciate these wonderful gifts.
There are gifts of the Spirit to all, and all should realize this fact. Often a person may be envious of the gifts of another, not perhaps realizing his own.
Each one has something of value to give to others to help them along life’s way and also to help himself or herself to conquer the problems of life. Each one, according to what he has earned in life, receives and benefits thereby. All do not realize this and think of luck, good fortune, et cetera, but it is only the law of life in operation working for all in a just way.
We sow and we reap, we give out and we receive only that which is earned by the indwelling ego. Our life is not run by luck, or accident of birth or other elements. It is all according to the laws of God and no one receives more than he himself has earned.
We do not see the whole picture; therefore, it is hard to see that this is so, but truth prevails and justice always is working for all concerned.
We all have precious gifts of the Spirit and it remains but for us to recognize and to appreciate these wonderful gifts.
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