The violent sun spot eruptions ... are caused mainly by the violent eruptions of mankind ...
The sun is the source of the energy of the earth plane. It corresponds in the human to the heart that pumps and is a reservoir of energy and the source of our power to work and to do. Of course, it is fed by many different sources, but the main one is, of course, the bloodstream.
So it is with the sun. It, too, has many sources for its energy and power. The magnetic forces of light go forth to it and supply it like a giant magnet and it gives forth its light and warmth. Without it all would die -- life could not be -- so we look to the sun for our health, strength and general well-being.
The violent sun spot eruptions or so-called storms on the surface of the sun are like unto disease in the human. They are caused mainly by the violent eruptions of mankind; the wickedness and folly of the human species which is reflected all through Nature whether we are aware of this or not.
Cause and effect is constantly at work and all violent emotions of whatever source have their upheavals and send forth their power which eventually reaches the sun and causes magnetic storms of great magnitude.
Yes, we do affect Nature and those in other stages of existence control and direct the powerful forces that we send out, but we are reponsible for all our ills or all our good as the case may be.
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