There is always a reciprocal action which benefits all who participate by giving.
It is in giving that we receive. That statement is a bit of truth that never changes and one that all should live by. It is especially true of the giving of oneself. Anyone can and should give also of the material things in life, but the true spiritual individual gives of himself. It is only through love that we receive love, the most powerful and wonderful force in all the realms of life whether in Spirit or on the earth plane.
We must be generous and give of this love, expressing it in all ways wherever it is needed and wanted in order to gain greater love and spiritual growth for the self within. How few people learn these truths and how sad it is that they do not realize how much they have to gain by unselfishly giving and outpouring their love to all who have need for it. They would receive greater measure in return for all they give.
There is always a reciprocal action which benefits all who participate by giving. How sad it is to hear about someone who is unloved, unwanted. When you look back into the past and see the life of the person in that state, you see someone who lived for self alone in most respects, caring little or nothing for others except where it benefited him. A terrible plight and a cheerless future [await] unless a great change takes place. Seldom does this happen for habits and thoughts of long standing prevail, and the ignorant one cannot see how he has imprisoned the self by his own actions.
Only the unselfish and altruistic outgoing personality is truly free and truly happy for, as we before stated, it is only in giving that we receive.
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