Contemplate only good and only good can come to you.
When we contemplate the future, we must always use the positive approach. Never dwell in the negative no matter what is your outlook at present.
You may find those around you have, through error, been subject to accident, illness or some negative condition of mind which has become manifest in their life, but do not allow this to in any way depress you.
We know that a sensitive mind will take on and easily accept a depressing condition which is not necessarily for you. Being of a sensitive turn of mind, you may easily become prey to the distressed condition of others. Do not do so. It does not help them and it very definitely does hurt you.
Keep the positive, vibrant healthful thoughts in the forefront of your mind even though you must constantly battle with the self within in order to do so. Contemplate only good and only good can come to you.
You may think you see an adverse condition. By dwelling on it and thus magnifying it, you bring it about and then the condition must be worked out. Instead, substitute positive good and know that nothing can harm you or yours.
With a positive approach to life, you can and do keep all on the proper and healthful level of mind that controls your destiny.