Many not only borrow troubles of others but never return them ...
Let the problems of each day be sufficient unto themselves. Do not worry about the future or about things which you cannot change or cannot help. Each day brings its work which must be done, and it is generally enough so that if it is attended to will keep us busy and occupied so that we need not borrow trouble. So many people do just that -- borrow trouble. It isn’t enough that they have troubles of their own, they take on or borrow the troubles and cares of others. Then they wonder why they are in ill health and lack the good things of life.
Many not only borrow troubles of others but never return them, thus adding greatly to the heavy burdens of daily living. It is small wonder that many people never seem to get anywhere for they are snowed under with great cares, worries and heavy responsibilities that weigh them down and prevent them from living the way they should.
These people also expect others to feel and to do exactly what they are doing. They become so dulled to the good life that they think only of life’s worries and cares and therefore prevent all happiness. They have forgotten how to live, if ever they really knew.
The good life is lived by having faith in oneself and in others to carry out and to do all the necessary things and to do them with a happy and confident way, expecting and receiving only the best.
All receive some trouble in life. All have cares and responsibilities, but we don’t need to be weighed down with them or to take on more than our share.
Eliminate all the unnecessary troubles and never take on those belonging to another no matter how close to you that one may be. Let each day close with the feeling that you have finished with, for all time, all worries and have complete faith that all will be and is well.
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