How wonderful to live without friction in a world of brotherly love, peace and understanding.
If the world, or rather all the people of the world, were suddenly to release all thoughts of anxiety, tension, strife, hate, envy, malice, revenge and kindred thoughts and substitute thoughts of peace, love, happiness, or joy, faith, hope, kindness, et cetera, what a different world we would have.
Our perspective would change, our values would change and we would really move ahead spiritually. Great would be the surprise of many to see the metamorphosis. Instead of the “me first” attitude, all thoughts of self would be subordinated. Generosity and thoughtfulness toward all would be the order of the day.
All race segregation would be a thing of the past, equal rights for all would be the natural thing and no one would dream of causing any hurt to anyone whether an unkind word or a physical injury. What a changed world we would face.
Many might say, how uninteresting it would be if everyone were good. There would be no gossip, no scandal, no problems and so, you think, nothing of interest. Well, that all depends on where your interests lie. If they are in that realm then, of course, you would find it dull for you would have nothing to feed on.
On the other hand, talents, interests, abilities and progress in other lives would go forward. Recognition would be given generously to those who merit it. How wonderful to live without friction in a world of brotherly love, peace and understanding.
Naturally this cannot come instantaneously, but is a form of growth from the lesser to the greater, and life is ever tending toward that realization no matter what the outward aspects appear to be. Every day is a beginning, a start for you where all things must commence. It is up to you what sort of a world you will inhabit in the future.
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