There are as many sins of omission as there are sins of commission.
So many times we fail not only others but ourselves in failing to do what we know we should do. How many times have you said, “I must go to see someone,” or call them, or do something for someone you know and that’s as far as it goes? Is not that a sin of omission?
The idea was given to you or was in your mind and you failed to carry it out. When this happens, it is truly a sin for we have only ourselves to blame if we do not follow out the ideas and the ideals we set for ourselves.
Of course, that is how we learn and, in truth, it is the only way. We must and do learn by our mistakes and so we go on trying, overcoming, subjugating and sometimes submerging our errors, our faults and our omissions as well as our commissions.
Sometimes we make really grave errors in the way we go about doing things, but at least when we do them we are following, to the best of our ability, the ideas that come to each one of us. Do not put off, but do it when you can and you will find your progress more rapid and your life made more self-satisfyng by accomplishing that which you have in your mind to do.