We pay the piper always for our lack of proper interest in spiritual values and putting material welfare in the forefront.
If only we could see ourselves as we are seen by others, what a vastly different picture of self we would receive into our consciousness. The things we look upon as all-important might prove to be very trivial to the mind of another, and that which we hold in inestimable value will be to another a trial and a tribulation.
Fortunately we all differ for if all were alike and had the same sense of values, it would be a very difficult and different world. However, the true, the essentials of life do not differ, only that which is of no true consequence and is of the earth plane. The spiritual values do not change. It is only in self and the reaches of the mind where sometimes we find the light of truth has only penetrated the surface.
We reap exactly what we sow. How could it be otherwise? We cannot let ourselves become lax and let in undesirable events and act only with the self and self-interest in mind. If and when this is done, the consequences are just. We pay the piper always for our lack of proper interest in spiritual values and putting material welfare in the forefront. We all have responsibilities and they must be faced squarely and met with resolution and carried out before greater gifts are given to us.
As the Scottish [poet Robert Burns has] so aptly put it, “Oh wad some power the giftie gie us to see oursel’s as others see us!” We do not, or we might be astonished and dismayed or, as the case may be, we also might be pleasantly surprised. Well, this is as it should be for if we could see ourselves in the light of truth, we might indeed be dismayed at our lack of understanding.
We must try harder to let in greater light and put self and self-interests in the background where they belong, accepting responsibility and going forward in the light.
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