We create the circumstances that bring to us all things.
Within each one of us is a creator, an invisible power, that is always working for or against us as we dictate. Are we all aware of this? No, very few on the earth plane of life have this knowledge or are aware of its power. Some may faintly realize, but few suspect that they and they alone create their heaven or their hell in life. Many tend to blame others or outward circumstances for their failures or the poor conditions of life in which they find themselves.
Instead we create constantly our homes, our environment, our destiny, our place in the sun. We create the circumstances that bring to us all things. We are powerful -- we are at all times successful in what we have as a goal in life. If we expect little in life or of life, we succeed in getting just that.
Of course, some are born into homes of wealth and opportunity is thrust into their hands at every turn, but where this is true you may be assured it has been earned by the past life of the person involved. They may not always make use of their opportunities and may thereby become wastrels, dissipated and depraved, but they had the opportunity to do well because they had earned it.
On the other hand, others may be born into abject poverty with nothing to aid them to material success and they may, by dint of their own determination and power, reach the top and achieve worldly success. They have then earned it too and if they keep their minds and hearts in the right, they will keep their hard-earned success and go on achieving even greater.
It is all within and all our world is, in truth, within us. We behold the material world about us, but each one, according to his inner light, interprets it as he sees it. Some see beauty where others see nothing but barren waste.
It has been said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” It is truly there and the outer is but a reflection of that within us. We create, we achieve, we behold, and we rise or fall according to the way we think, feel and act.