We always receive what we need in life and, whether we like it or not, we are always in our true place.
We are all born into this plane of existence to overcome faults that have been in evidence in our former lives and to build up and to grow in a more spiritual light to a higher and grander expression of the life force. Some are given greater tasks than others because they have a great deal to overcome, and, then too, past debts must be paid in full. We decide. We are the judge and the jury, and we know when and what is needed to round out the individual character.
Some have their soul mates with them to make their life a joy, and to those who are so fortunate, no problem of life is too hard to overcome. All have mates, yes, but all do not find them in this life on the earth plane. Love must be strong, the thing that means most in life, in order for this to be so. In other words, each need must be met in turn and unless and until we are ready to receive this, our greatest gift of God, we must wait until such time as the indwelling ego recognizes this need.
We always receive what we need in life and, whether we like it or not, we are always in our true place. We mentally create our heaven and our hell and each one differs from the other so that no place on the earth or in the heavens would answer for all.
We create and are the creators and have within our grasp the potentials of greatness that we are causing in our respective lives. We often know not of our power and strength.
Go forth and seek that which you would have for your heaven on earth.
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