Allergies [are caused by an] imbalance of substances within the body ...
There is much talk on the earth plane of life on allergies and allergic reaction to substances in the air. What it really amounts to is imbalance of substances within the body, or to phrase it another way, a lack of the proper elements to create harmony within the bloodstream.
This lack may come about in several ways. One, it may be caused by dietary errors over a period of time. Two, it may be caused by a severe illness in the person’s childhood that has brought this same condition about. Three, there may be some obstruction within the nostril or in the bronchial tubes themselves that prevents the person afflicted from getting all the oxygen he or she needs.
The one easiest to combat, of course, is the dietary error. By using our will and mind power, we can always eliminate the non-essentials, such as chocolate, excess refined white sugar, starch, white bread and rolls, heavy cream, ice cream, et cetera from our diet. Eat the simple fruit and vegetable diet and see if that does not bring about a change in the well-being of the person involved.
Much can and should be done about the horrible diets that are consumed today by the people on the earth plane. They are not receiving good nourishment, but are eating too many highly refined and starchy foods and are not only afflicted by so-called allergies, but by many unnecessary afflictions which they attribute erroneously to germs.
Think before you bite into that delicious cake, pie or piece of candy. Is it worth the price you are bound to pay? Every bite, like little drops of water, finally adds up to real trouble. Try the better way of life, eating only that which the body needs for building and establishing energy and note the disappearance of all inharmonious reactions within the overburdened body or temple in which you dwell.
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