Never underestimate your own powers for they are great indeed and destiny is in every thought and every action we make.
Do all have great expectations? Unfortunately, no. I say unfortunately because what we expect in life tends to materialize and become manifest. Therefore, the greater our aim, the higher our ambitions and the more we struggle to succeed in our chosen field, the greater is our chance of realization.
If we confidently expect disaster, we are seldom disappointed. On the other hand, nothing succeeds like success. I mean by that, the law of like attracts like is involved in all cases, and that is why this is true. What we are, what we say, what we do, all attract kindred thoughts and deeds. Action -- reaction, and small success brings greater, or if we tend toward the negative side of life, we receive its kin.
There is a tide, a fluctuation in life, a rhythm of tide that, if it is coming in for us, pushes aside all obstacles and everything seems easy and comes to us almost unasked. On the other hand, should it be an out-going or ebb tide, nothing seems right and, conversely, all seems to go against us. This is a truth all should know and work with so that when the tide is in for us, we may try harder and go farther than we ever dreamed possible.
The laws of life are universal and for our good, so it behooves all to work with them and to understand their effects in our life. Never underestimate your own powers for they are great indeed and destiny is in every thought and every action we make.
Think, act and succeed. Expect great things of the self -- you will not be disappointed.