The mind, the inner man or woman, receives the power from God ...
[Message for a friend.]
This year to date and the past one have been a trial to you and you think trouble almost endless. Healing is taking place in your body and though slowly, to you, remember Nature does nothing fast. Time, as we know it, is nothing to Nature, and the God-power works on regardless of our dismay to find we are not at the point where we wishfully want to be.
The mind, the inner man or woman, receives the power from God and, in turn, utilizes what it receives and so healing takes place; not rapidly, but steadily, slowly and surely. We must do our part by keeping the thoughts as positive as we possibly can and let our thoughts affect our feeling. Then our feeling becomes more and more capable of controlling the emotional nature and giving to us the perfect peace and assurance of perfection in our ways of life. Faith is our answer and our sure goal -- perfect trust in the God-power to lead us into right conditions in every department of our being.
Now, dear friend, we find that though you do try to carry out your ideals, and they are fine and high, you do allow yourself to despair now and again. It is human to do so and hard indeed when the struggle is before you as it is. It is an uphill climb and it does sometimes leave you breathless and full of a “Can I make it?” attitude question in your mind. We know you can -- now do not try to be too severe with yourself.
You do need strength, and certain foods must be eaten for this strength, but unnecessary items can be eliminated. All that is needed is true common sense. Yes, it is harder for you to lose the weight than it is to gain it. Never, never eat salt. It fills the tissues with excess water and can be very dangerous to you.
Try to exercise a little each day. Walking in fresh air is good. If we are tired and feel we need rest, we are often starved for oxygen, and deep breathing is the answer and a great help to all.
Rest, yes, but not too much. Remember our capacity for anything increases as we indulge ourselves. We must not push ourselves too far in any direction. Use discretion and allow the body to breathe in more and greater draughts of clean, fresh air and you will find the energy becoming restored. The more you use the more you will be able to use and your body will be recharged.
Try it -- it will work. You are gaining ground, but you do need God’s great energizer, oxygen. Let God’s idea of health be your idea of health. There is no illness the mind cannot cure.