Our troubles lie in making life a complicated thing.
All have a channel which, if kept clear of the debris of trifling thoughts, would keep them free from all the troubles which mankind bring on themselves. The trouble lies in keeping this channel clogged up with thoughts of self and the workaday world and continually pouring into this channel more of the same.
We should all take the dredge of self-denial, of pure unadulterated love and listen carefully in the silence to the still small voice within, which, if given the opportunity, will give to us all the answers to our various questionings and keep us clear and out of the dark waters of fear and doubt.
It sounds simple, and it is simple. Our troubles lie in making life a complicated thing. We clutter up our minds with desire, frustrations, fears, doubts and an endless array of thoughts of like nature which, in turn, attract more of the same.
Why not shake yourselves free from all this and gradually clear that channel for action. I mean by that, whenever a foolish or senseless or unworthy thought finds entrance into the mind, send it out and replace it with one that is worthwhile. You will instinctively know which kind to avoid and which kind to harbor. Your thinker will clear the deck if you give it a chance, but you must use the will and have the desire to improve before this is possible.
If you have and you do keep the channel clear so that the wonderful spiritual upliftment and higher thoughts can get through to you, then you are indeed on the way and the lesser things of life, the undesirable will of themselves drop off for there will be nothing left to nurture them. It will be its own reward -- a higher life and a clearer and grander vibration in which to work, love and grow.