Having mentioned the SX-70, I think I should cut to the chase and upload this photo of the entire line at the time. The film box is just left of front and center, the camera boxes which include a Model 2 flank a host of accessory items. Click on the image for an enlargement. The word came down from on high that Land insisted on a white box, so we did a white box. For those (and there were more than a few) who complained of the simple solution, I countered that only Chanel managed to keep packaging this clean and identifiable over a whole range of products. For those others who would argue that Polaroid might possibly have too many images, would have been better to use existing graphics and set in large type: A NEW system of photography?

Click on images for enlargement. A year later in 1973, I got the
assignment to design the graphics for an accessory kit for the SX-70
that included a panel to identify the individual accessories and how
they might be used. Polaroid's in-house packaging people did the
structural designing for the box, working with their folding box vendor.
By 1975 the SX-70 family had grown considerably and I had to come up
with design variations without compromising the original look