We make our own experiences as we need them and as we react to the events and circumstances of our lives.
What we expect in life has a great tendency to come true, if we hold to it fast and truly believe. I do not mean that because we may desire wealth that it will automatically be ours because we expect it. Oh no, we must also work with our desires if we expect them to bear fruit. Mere wishful thinking will never produce the results we desire.
Have you ever heard someone say that they are sure they will die from some disease? Often this actually proves true because, by that person’s expectation of it, he has drawn it to himself. We make our own experiences as we need them and as we react to the events and circumstances of our lives. As someone has so aptly stated, “It is not so much what happens to us that counts but our attitude towards it, and reaction counts everything.”
Suppose we find a great disappointment in life -- what then? Does it break you up completely, or do you take it in stride and say, “Well, it just wasn’t to be?” What a world of difference in these two attitudes of mind. The results too are such that it is almost impossible to see just how far reaching in a life this could be.
Watch yourself that you are not crushed by circumstance and fail to stand up to life and its challenges.