It [Wisdom] is the God-power within that through our efforts becomes unfolded and expressed in the life.
Knowledge is something man acquires from his experiences here on the earth plane, while wisdom is inherent. It is the God-power within that through our efforts becomes unfolded and expressed in the life. It is of the ages past and is within, never can it be acquired from without for that is the province of knowledge.
When we become quiet within, the voice of wisdom speaks to us and tells us what to do, solves our problems easily, if we but let it, and gives us a peace of mind that mere knowledge never could.
The wisdom of Solomon is the inner light of truth that has become unveiled and plain to him. It will become so to us if we learn to listen and to heed the voice within.
There is no earthly substitute for wisdom and it cannot be purchased. It is already ours if we can only realize what it can do for us.
It is intuition, knowledge, experience, thought, inspiration, all in one great attribute known to us as wisdom, acquired in past ages by us, and with the God-power we are able to utilize it if we will.