Nature, or God, is at this season manifesting in every way the renewal of life in the material and thereby showing to thoughtful souls that this law also is carried out in the spiritual life.
This is the season when all life is being renewed.
New beginnings, the pulsating life throbs of Mother Nature, are felt all over the land and the very air is charged with a new vibration; the vibration of eternal life.
We feel the urge to get out in the open, to do things and to truly life in every sense of the word; to recharge our thought life and change outwardly to conform to this conception of renewal.
Like batteries that have needed recharging, our lives respond to the vital feel of growth, of change of a spiritual and material rebirth.
Do not try to carry along old thoughts that you should have discarded years ago; thoughts of defeat, of disillusionment, of despair, all negative vibrations.
Renew with the joyous Easter, the eternal spring and stand with positive, peaceful faith in all good, in the God-power within.
Easter is so misinterpreted in the Christian world. People do not go deeply enough into the spiritual significance of the Easter season.
Nature, or God, is at this season manifesting in every way the renewal of life in the material and thereby showing to thoughtful souls that this law also is carried out in the spiritual life.
Jesus’ life on earth exemplified all this and he went forth fearless, full of faith in the all good and by his perfect life made an example for all mankind to live by -- our elder brother in the spiritual life.
Easter is expressed throughout all the kingdoms, the animal, the vegetable, yes, even the material; for all is life, and all is God, in whom we live, move and have our being.
How can we fail when we realize with the fullness of spiritual thought the true meaning of Easter? That life always is.
There is only change and progress, another name for the evolution of the life forces through the material to the spiritual, a never ending upward spiral, a road to God and perfect life.