... failures are not what they appear, but are really stepping stones to success in whatever way we are striving.
Peace has a price, as has everything in life. In order to have a life of peace and plenty, we must guard our thoughts and thereby our actions.
Harmony in all departments of life must be the order of the day. In order to be in harmonious vibration, we must be tolerant and understanding and we must overlook much. It is not done all at once, it takes time and practice to do this.
Nothing must disturb the inner peace, no outward crisis or turmoil must ruffle us, and we will be tried many times. If we at first fail, remember it is only apparent failure, but all is experience and only in that way will we learn. So truly failures are not what they appear, but are really stepping stones to success in whatever way we are striving.
No one succeeds all at once; always we must creep before we walk. Never become discouraged for that is the only true failure. To become disheartened and to cease to try is the only way to never get anywhere.
We are ever learning, ever marching onward, ever seeking a goal in life. We do receive that which we expect, so keep ideals high and keep working at it with the positive approach and one day your goal will be achieved.