We all reap what we sow and there is no such thing as luck or really of accidents as such either.
Those who harbor hate, resentment, jealousy, envy and kindred emotions carry a viper in their breast. They know not the terrible damage they do, not to others, but to themselves.
God’s laws are not mocked, justice does prevail, and punishment is done to the physical as well as the mental of the one who allows thoughts of these low vibrations to come into his or her auric field.
We all reap what we sow and there is no such thing as luck or really of accidents as such either. They are caused by the laws of cause and effect and all people benefit or reap disaster according to their true inner life which always, in the final analysis, manifests in the physical in some manner.
Of those to whom much is given, much is expected. At some time in the life they have been desirous of better things and, if deserving, the Spirit loved ones have worked out for them conditions that will bring into fruition that which is their innermost desire. If the contrary is true then, “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord,” and in due time it is brought out, because it is only in this fashion that the person will eventually learn the laws of life.
Love is the first law and truth is its star.