We are the sum and substance of, not exactly our thoughts but, our true feelings.
We are the sum and substance of, not exactly our thoughts but, our true feelings. Of course, thoughts are important and those we hold constantly do become convictions and then we feel differently, if they are thoughts that differ from those we have hitherto held. Changing these thoughts into feelings or, I should say, consciously trying to do this requires steady conscientious work with a capital W.
All success in every venture depends on work in a given direction and changing our insecure, self-conscious, immature feelings into those with more power, more personality of a positive nature requires patience and real perseverance.
There will be stumbling blocks on the road, there will be times of self-doubt, but if you will keep the end result in view and know that everything is possible to God and therefore through this power of God to man, you will win and become that which you so earnestly desire.
You must make a start at some point so why not now? Give it all you have and know with God’s help you will succeed. The road may not be as long or as hard as anticipated. Often this is so. Our fears are often founded on thin air and when worked over are dissipated like so much fog.
Act and then feeling will follow. Believe and it is so.