If man were imbued with more love of fellow travelers on the road of life, regardless of race, color or creed and freed from the slavery of self-enrichment, this world would be rid of war and all threats of war.
Many on this earth plane of life need the light of wisdom desperately and know it not. Some in high places in the government and in the influential places of life need it even more than the so-called masses.
If man were imbued with more love of fellow travelers on the road of life, regardless of race, color or creed and freed from the slavery of self-enrichment, this world would be rid of war and all threats of war. It is only where darkness exists in the mind of man that allows these terrible ideas to be a threat to mankind.
We are all children of God, all on varied rungs of the ladder of evolvement and all traveling the path of greater enlightenment. To help one another along the way is one of the great privileges of this earth’s pathway to light, or wisdom.
But many wrap themselves in the cocoon of ignorance and prejudice, feeling they are superior so they will have to go on in the life in error until such a time as they awaken to the fact that all is life, the same life, and all is of God and all going ever onward to greater light in the world. Many will not step out of their own little ruts of wrong thinking until some great catastrophe forces them to do so.
We must expand our thoughts to encompass the greater good of all, not just the privileged few.