When people learn to use a mental trash barrel and constantly guard their thoughts, then they will no longer manifest disease and troubles.
When people hold thoughts that originate with envy, jealousy, hatred, revenge and other negative emotions behind them, they are playing with dynamite. These very dark, negative emotions take over the mind and play havoc with the physical bodies of those who harbor these thoughts.
There is a little-known law that is always in operation that makes punishment immediate for these thoughts and subsequent actions, whether we are aware of it or not. At first it perhaps is too subtle to notice, but after holding these negative forces in the mind over a long period of time, they manifest in the physical as disease, or as illness and that is the true cause of disease. It does indeed originate in the mind.
People may also harbor fear thoughts and they too, being negative, bring about their particular manifestations of nervousness and diseases of the nervous system.
When people realize they themselves bring on their own ills and alone are responsible for their destiny, then they will destroy these thought forms when they first come into the mind and quickly substitute some good positive love thoughts that generate health and wellbeing for the personality.
When people learn to use a mental trash barrel and constantly guard their thoughts, then they will no longer manifest disease and troubles.
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