“In my Father’s house are many mansions.” is a quote from Jesus that is often misunderstood; in fact, it is rare that words from him are understood by people.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions.” is a quote from Jesus that is often misunderstood; in fact, it is rare that words from him are understood by people. By house he means His physical body and by mansions is meant the various bodies, astral and spiritual that house the soul in different times.
Most people take it to mean a house to be lived in and homes in a future realm of light, and in a sense this too is true because, of course, although we may not truly need shelters on the other side of life, we probably will not immediately change our mode of living, and so what is desired strongly by us can be realized and materialized on the next plane of existence.
Our desires are what determine this factor, but in the case of the quotation the habitation referred to is the material body plus the astral and other bodies of finer vibrations than we here can imagine and in these we all will sometimes dwell, hence the many mansions. [By] the reference to “In my Father’s house”, he means the universe and all the indwelling people therein.
It is a saying with much depth and much simplicity to it also, yet often misunderstood. It is meant to be and truly is a message of comfort to the bereaved bringing with it the knowledge of the many mansions that always replace the old one no longer needed by the indwelling entity.
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