Age is not a matter of years but of a mental attitude.
It is natural, of course, as time elapses on the plane of existence known as earth that the body gradually diminishes in strength and power, but the mind is, or should be, always in control.
If the life has been a happy and a contented one without undue strife and care, we can go on with strength and vigor of mind that so transmits itself to the body that age is no detriment.
On the other hand, when we allow the thoughts of worry and stress to become uppermost and we constantly allow our feelings to become as old as our years, then we do indeed grow old.
Some are old though their years are young for their mind has become one with the feeling of age and the cares and worries of life.
We cannot change the laws of life, but we can change our thoughts and feelings if we work at it correctly and our desire is strong to keep youthful and have our full measure of happiness.
Keep the laws of correct living. Eat only the energy foods and get plenty of rest. Keep occupied with interesting work and play. Keep always love as the paramount fundamental of life and you will indeed keep young.
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