Think correctly and you will automatically act correctly.
All who now manifest on this earth plane of expression in life have lived before and, of course, since there is no death, have always lived for all was, is and ever shall be.
We are not put here to live lives of idleness and luxury, but to grow spiritually and to become more aware of the possibilities of life. We must, in spite of obstacles that are ever present, push on in life growing and ever trying to vibrate on a higher plane of expression.
Earth life is likened to a kindergarten as to the other planes of expression. As we become more enlightened we become aware that this must be so. All are even now on differing planes of thought mentally and that, after all, is the way we truly live for it is only in the mental that we can express in the physical plane of life.
We think, therefore we are. First thought, then action and, of course, reaction for each action too is creative and brings other actions into being.
Like the stone thrown into the pool, the circles ever widen and go on and on expressing -- an example to us of what we start in the world of thought and action.
Think correctly and you will automatically act correctly.