When there is Spring in the heart there is youth, regardless of years lived.
When there is Spring in the heart there is youth, regardless of years lived.
We all on the earth plane add years, and physically our tissues become less elastic; less resilient with the years, but when we keep within an interest in life about us, keep busy with things that we like to do and continue to use love in our dealings with those about us, then indeed we are still in the Springtime of life no matter what our calendar age.
Our minds rule us, although most people do not realize this and blame their shortcomings on circumstances beyond their control, or even on people with whom they live or contact in other ways. But, in truth, we are the sum total of our thought and ours alone.
It is our responsibility to make ourselves strong, courageous, truth-loving, happy, free and loving, and in doing so we enrich our life and keep our youth. Also, we must keep enthusiastic about life and the wonderful possibilities ever surrounding us.
We have just as much chance for happiness as we do for its opposite and, with gratitude in our hearts for life’s golden chances, we should go on until the last knowing we are our destiny.