All that comes to us is earned in some way.
The power to be what we desire to be lies within us. You and I and all people are what we think for the prevailing thoughts are manifested in the physical. So one can see from the expression on a person’s face, and from the eyes in particular, what he or she dwells on in their thought life.
I do not actually mean by this that you can read the thoughts but, if observant you can at least tell whether their thoughts are optimistic or the opposite, or whether there is some resentment, suspicion, envy, jealousy, or love and its component parts. Sympathy, a form of love, is also often detected by the observant person. Now these thoughts are very real and each one brings its subsequent reaction whether or not this is known to be so. And so is wrought our very destiny, for that which is strongly believed tends to be so.
There is no such thing as luck or accidental good fortune or the opposite. All that comes to us is earned in some way. We may see some supposedly good person who runs into trouble through his own doing or because another makes his life miserable. Do you suppose that this is an accident of fate? No, it is not! It is either willed by the involved person or he draws it to himself because of the thought life.
Nothing happens by chance and every problem has its solution even though we may not see it. It is for us to seek it and to correct it and go on from there to greater heights.