The mind power of most people remains untapped, like a mine containing diamonds in a vein yet unreached.
The mind power of most people remains untapped, like a mine containing diamonds in a vein yet unreached. We do not reach these treasures easily for they must be earned, must be worked for because in no other way can they be attained.
Once we have even a glimpse of the wealth of power they can bring to us, we will not rest until they are obtained, and yet we cannot struggle too hard for them. We must become truly quiet within in order to get to the depth of the mine of the mind.
Then when we suddenly, or following a long period of quiet times, finally arrive where we can tap this rich vein of the spirit, we know we have arrived. There is then no doubt, no fears, for all becomes clear, lucid and we can read the thoughts of others and see and diagnose their ills.
Indeed there are no secrets, no thing that will not yield itself to this hidden God-power so much desired, so much sought for by those who are truly wise. “Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it will be opened unto you.” Admonitions, yes, and we seldom take them to heart and truly believe them as we should.
Deep quiet pools of thought yield rich treasure.
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