... all have creative powers and are, in fact, creating their environment.
Everyone is creative. Though most people do not ever realize this, all have creative powers and are, in fact, creating their environment. Their ideas are constantly becoming manifest in their life, for thoughts are things, yes, and thoughts have wings.
Each of us has about us a protective aura created by us, by our thoughts and resultant actions. Some attract and some repulse and cannot understand the reason behind this. Our thoughts may not show themselves to others in this material universe, but they are nonetheless felt and each can tell whether he or she is liked or disliked by others. We too know our feelings about those whom we contact.
Often we cannot tell just the reason we seem to dislike a person, but back of it all is the dominant thought that quite evidently is not the way we think and therefore we are repulsed by, or at least are indifferent to, the person.
We can all improve our own aura by holding positive thoughts of love and kindness. Thereby we grow and evolve into a kinder and more mature personality, ridding ourselves of that which would tend to be unattractive to those we contact in the life.
Guard yourself at all times and you will be well rewarded.
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