... blessed are those who grow in the light of truth and love for they shall inherit the earth and all the good therein.
Love is the force, the power that in reality controls all. It is this force that causes us to act. I might add too that the lack of love causes all the distress we find on every side and every level throughout life.
If we love people, we receive love in return. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but these exceptions would be wrapped in such a degree of self-love that their true feelings would be obscured.
We are all growing in one way or another, and blessed are those who grow in the light of truth and love for they shall inherit the earth and all the good therein.
This we know as truth -- that all who work with love in their hearts for humanity are the chosen ones of God. They alone are capable of true and real happiness for it is in giving that we receive and in loving that we reap our rewards.
All the lessons of life are in this one idea of love for all who are working and growing in life to achieve greater life and a truer expression of the God-power within.
Each in his own way receives and gives of his light of truth.
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