Every experience should be looked upon as good for each is needed for the growth of the soul.
Each one on the earth plane, and everywhere in fact, is different one from the other, even so-called identical twins.
No one has the same needs, nor the same outlook in life nor the same experiences because the requirements of all differ widely, and it is well that this is so.
Many, of course, do have similar experiences, but the reaction to the experience would differ with each because of the difference in background, thought and feeling. So life is made up of very different lives that come together for a time and then oftentimes are separated by distance or by death (we should say transition).
Changes come to all as they are needed. Every experience should be looked upon as good for each is needed for the growth of the soul. In time, all will see that this is so.
We may long for greater closeness of family ties but this too must change and of necessity must expand and grow, and the place for its growth is not always where we would most desire it to be. However, we can change our thought and our feeling about it, creating greater harmony in life by keeping our outlook cheerful. In time, we may find other and more welcome changes that will bring about our fondest dreams.
We only grow by change and we must adjust our thoughts to it.