The penalty for thoughts of envy, jealousy, resentment or kindred thoughts is not at all pleasant to contemplate.
The penalty for thoughts of envy, jealousy, resentment or kindred thoughts is not at all pleasant to contemplate. Those who harbor these thoughts (and bear in mind that thoughts are things) will inevitably reap what they have sown. They reap the whirlwind unless they realize before it is too late just what they are doing to themselves.
Undoubtedly our thoughts are many times sensed by others who are sensitive to that degree, but many times they go awhile undetected. However, in time, the law of attraction, working as it does for or against a person, comes to the fore and brings to the person involved more of its kind. In other words we attract more of the things that are undesirable or downright negative because of the thoughts that are harbored.
If an individual feels that someone is intensely envious, jealous or in some way resents them and detects those feelings, it is best to keep as far away from that individual as it is possible to be for we are often inadvertently affected by these thoughts if sensitive enough, and, by their very nature, they can and do make us unhappy, distressed and in every way disturbed by them.
So we would say steer clear until the individual concerned comes to her senses and realizes what is occurring, for it cannot do anyone any good to go into that atmosphere knowing that it brings about feelings of this nature. She is only harming herself and to such an extent that it is hard to realize. No one can long harbor such thoughts without having them manifest adversely, bringing more of their own kind, for like attracts like and no good can come from such attitudes.
Do not seek to show such persons the light for they are not, in their present state, ready for it and would only further resent you. Keep apart and use prayer and hope that time will make the cure.
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