Always remember improvement can only come in a constructive manner, not in fault finding, criticism or tongue lashings.
Watch your words each day that sometimes, when things seem particularly vexing, we do not say things that later could be regretted. All have some inharmony in life to overcome. That is all a part of life so, no matter what the situation or the person involved, try to hold your tongue and develop patience, a very necessary quality to all persons who want to grow in a spiritual way.
We must remember that sometimes the very faults we so condemn in others we may also have in a perhaps lesser degree, therefore they are more noticeable and more objectionable to us. We also must remember that we must judge not by mere appearances, but look over and above them realizing that there is a reason for everything and an answer to every problem.
Sometimes we are thrown into contact with a person whose every act and every vibration seems to bring us annoyance. Remember this is part of life, and the reason this is so is that this particular person needs changing and you also need changing and, in order to grow out of errors of thought, we must constantly overcome and reach out for the love, the peace, the inner strength to combat these errors in the life.
Perhaps this person needs the very things in life that only you can bring out and maybe you too can only overcome weaknesses by being in contact with a person of such differing thoughts and vibrations. In any event, try to overlook and to hold your tongue unless some constructive or positive thought is put forth. It will be trying, yes, for it is far easier to explode and give vent to pent up feelings, but it is soul strengthening to follow The Golden Rule.
Always remember improvement can only come in a constructive manner, not in fault finding, criticism or tongue lashings. Give out love and peace and greater things will come into your life as your reward.
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