There is a poverty of the spirit that transcends that of poverty of material possessions and many of the earth plane of life have such poverty.
There is a poverty of the spirit that transcends that of poverty of material possessions and many of the earth plane of life have such poverty. They do not realize it, of course, for their sense of values are warped and they perceive only the material, knowing nothing of spiritual values.
When they do awaken to the real state of affairs, and often this is not until they reach the spiritual world, they suddenly find they have been following the wrong path of life and instead of growing in the light they have been wallowing in the darkness. It is sad then to see their plight, and to feel the remorse, the regrets for what might have been had they not been so blind to the real values life has to offer them.
Such people certainly go through a form of mental hell for the realization is brought home to them that only in the material plane of life can they recover and go on in the light.
While in the Spiritual realms they can be made to understand their lack and to go to schools where true values are taught and where they can learn better. In actual practice they must again go through experiences [on earth] that will give them the opportunity to grow out of their evil ways and to extend their knowledge in a practical manner.
For although the Spiritual realm offers much to them, they cannot go forward there until they have redeemed themselves from the life of material selfishness, greed, revenge and all the evil influences that cause the spirit to be in such poverty, lacking the love, the peace, the strength and power that alone comes with spiritual growth and brings one into the higher life of the Spirit when such a person is ready to enter the Spiritual realm of life.