Every question has an answer, every problem has a solution, every act has its reaction and every thought leaves its mark upon us.
Problems come to all in life and always there is a solution. Though we may think of some of them as unsolvable, it is not so. Every question has an answer, every problem has a solution, every act has its reaction and every thought leaves its mark upon us.
Habits are simply thoughts that have occurred again and again and become ingrained on our consciousness so that we are, in reality, a lot of various habits of life.
If we choose, we can change them for better habits, [but] only if we continually watch ourselves and keep out the thoughts that originally have caused us to habitually do the things we do, say the things we say -- so much so that our very personality is changed. Personality, that intangible something, is, in truth, habits of thought and action which constitute our way of life.
So we now get back to our particular problems. These are ours alone because we have created them. We are the only ones who can change them because our thoughts, our actions following our thoughts and causing chain reactions, are the cause of the original problem no matter what it may be.
So change your thought about the problem and you change your life.
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