We have the power, we have the solution to all our problems in our grasp if we but believe we can and will go forth and do and overcome.
The seeds of life grow in the dark, and later, when the roots are started, begin growing toward the light. The light is within but must first be awakened after the roots of growth are thrust forth into the earth life.
Our childhood is the root system of life on the earth plane and in later years we may perhaps become aware of a greater life of the Spirit, an inner life that can help us to become a more spiritualized being.
We are often awakened to this by some experience of life that shatters us to the core, or rudely disturbs our thoughts and throws our illusions to the winds. If this is so, it is well and we needed that experience to bring us into a greater light, a greater awareness of the purpose of life.
We could not, even if we so desired, stand still. We must have varied experiences to bring us greater life. We may not always enjoy these experiences for many bring grief and inharmony to us, but if that is so, then it is needed to bring home to us some truth which in no other way would we see.
We often need an abrupt change in our way of thinking about ourselves and others in order that our lives should be benefited thereby. We ourselves can often bring about a desired change simply by changing our thought about it and though not easy to accomplish, it is possible and if done will bring us what we seek in life.
Peace, love, friendship, joy -- all should and can be ours if we will them to be and our need is great enough to cause us to change our ways to ways of truth and light.
If we desire strongly to attain a material thing or a spiritual attribute, either one can be ours by sincere application and by faith that it is so and will be so always. We have the power, we have the solution to all our problems in our grasp if we but believe we can and will go forth and do and overcome.
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