About Kim Oberski /Unscripted Moments
[In Kim's own words]
I am a self-taught photographer from Michigan. I started out using Nikon digital in 2007. After a few years of taking photos of my two young children, I started a small photography business with a focus on family and newborns. The business, by my standard, was successful but it drained me of all my creativity. I needed more.
In the spring of 2010, I read an article on the Impossible Project Film being introduced, bought a few packs and was hooked. I loved the learning curve in using the new film. It made me truly think about what I wanted to capture and how all the elements surrounding me effected the final image. Instant film has made me slow down and focus on getting the image right straight out of the camera, not worrying about what I can do with it in photoshop.
Currently, my main photography project is doing a 365 using Instant Film. Before I take the photo of the day, I try to think of a poem, song, thought, feeling I want to capture. The end result is sometimes better than expected, others times not so well. :) The meaning behind the image isn't always something someone else will understand but this is a project I am doing for me: a project for the inner soul.
Currently my main camera is a Polaroid SX70 with various Impossible Film products. I also have a Polaroid Land Camera 210, a OneStep Flash, a One600, a Fuji Instamax, and a Diana with a Polaroid back.
love what you are doing here. just got my sx 70..struggling a bit
Posted by: Donna Good | 08/04/2012 at 03:31 PM
Great photos
Posted by: Benny | 09/23/2011 at 05:50 PM