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John Lehner

I have just discovered an illustrated book by George Wright called Water Babies, Wessels, NY, 1900. Have no idea what the illus. look like, ordered a copy and will soon see, but the cover design is fabulous. Three or four colors stamped on light green cloth or tan cloth. I am happy to see he had a long career. These illus. may be among his earliest work. i collect illus. books from circa 1900 and had never seen his work. Any info re. his early book work is deeply appreciated. Thanks, JL

Edward F Gerber

I have recently published a book on Wright called George Hand Wright : An Artists Life Examined by Kirsten Jensen PHD in Art History . Wright's Nephew was my godfather so I have had an interest in him my entire life. if you would like to purchase the book please contact me.

Nancy Rivard Shaw

I am a former museum curator and now an independent art historian. I'd like to talk to you about George Wright and his interest in southern subjects around 1915. My telephone number is 352-245-5614. Like you, I think his work should be better known.


Beautiful, touching..a better time.

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