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Paul Giambarba

He taught at the New York School of Art with William Merritt Chase, Robert Henri and Edward Penfield -- all heavy hitters. You might try the NY schools who back in time 100 years and The Society of Illustrators in NYC. Good luck.

Linda Fountain

Looking for some biographical information on an illustrator, painter named Clifford Carlton. I found a piece listed for sale on some site that said he was an American 1867 to 1946. Want to find out as much as I can about the man. Do you know where I might start looking?


Happy New Year! Happiness and success in 2011.

old postage stamps

It is a shame they are out of print. It makes those that you do have extra special though.


This really was a treat. I see some of my own favorites here. I collect Uncle Sams but didn't know Flagg was the artist of the original poster. Loved learning about him. I'm a huge fan of JC Leyendecker, Penfield, and Coles Phillips and Dana Gibson. They inspire me. Jessie W. Smith has one illustration of a child in bed looking out the window with a bunny on a little stool in the foreground that I will cherish forever. I've just recently discovered Rockwall Kent while searching wood prints. He was fascinating and kept fascinating company. And I also love John Held Jr. He captured a slice of Americana like no other. What a hoot! Have you ever done a photo montage on Postal murals? I haven't been successful in finding these on line. We have such a grand history of American illustrators. I miss hand rendered art (vs computer generated) very much. Always - thank you for sharing. Betty.

Norman MacDonald

This is an absolute delight. It is like re-living the N.American art and illustration world, if there ever was a difference between the two. I didn't realize Hopper was an illustrator. The photo of him working is a hoot.
A blog I shall be following.

College Research Paper

I appreciate the work of all people who share information with others.

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