« The Golden Age of Design: an Introduction | Main | More of my stuff, 1962-1972 »


d galbraith

found your site while looking for information on raymond hosford but got lost in your work instead. really enjoyed it thanks


Mille grazie, Elena, per la sua gentilezza. Tante belle cose.

Elena F.

This is an etraordinary blog, I am really impressed!
Thanks a lot for sharing with us all these beautiful images,

Elena (an italian librarian)


Very cool. Thanks for sharing. It really does add another dimension to your blog.


Definitely show more mid-century stuff! I for one would love to see it. I have a whole lot of old design annuals from the 50s and 60s and I love them, especially the packaging design.

Paul Giambarba

Thank you very much mcb and Khoi. I invite viewers to click on their links to see their excellent work, which, as you can imagine, is a lot more current than mine. You encourage me to continue with more examples of design from mid-century. I thought at first it went over like a lead balloon. All the best to you.

Khoi Vinh

Paul: this is really, really wonderful work. I'm a big fan of this site already, but it's terrific to see you post your own samples here. It adds a new dimension to your writing. It also helps that the work is really phenomenal. Those Polaroid Square Shooter packages are fantastic!


Beautiful work, thanks for writing about it. I've always loved the Polaroid design.

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